This critically-acclaimed comedy tells the story of Texas’ third smallest town, where the Lion’s Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies. The eclectic band of men, women, children and animals are portrayed by only two performers, making this satire on life in rural America even more delightful. Theatre PG
A note from the director
When people ask me what Greater Tuna is about I tell them hopefully about an 1:45 with an intermission. When Greater Tuna premiered 25 years ago it really lacked the deep thought provoking plot and message that it still lacks today. A satirical look a small town life seen thought the eyes of some very weird residents. Not much of a set, very few props and only two actors. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But 25 years later audiences are still laughing at this wonderful piece of theatre and I guess that’s what I really want to say. This year at The Old Creamery we are hoping our audience come to experience the joy of theatre. Our shows on the main stage as well as here in The Depot reflect our love for the process and our love for the theatre as much as the product. Occasionally you have to remind yourself why you do the things that you do and this season is a wonderful example of why we do what we do as artists. We hope you enjoy the product as much as we have enjoyed the process.
setting & scenes Location: Tuna, Texas (3rd smallest town in Texas) Time: yesterday (Time is no big deal in Tuna).
Act One: Various places around Tuna Act Two: Various places around the other side of Tuna Act Three: Wait....there is no Act Three (Thank God for small favors)